Summary: | In a distinguished scientific life that had spanned over five decades, Alladi Ramakrishnan made significant contributions to probability and statistics, elementary particle physics, cosmic rays and astrophysics, matrix theory, and the special theory of relativity. Inspired by his visit to the Institute of Advanced Study during 1957-1958, and the direct influences of Robert Oppenheimer, Niels Bohr, Sir C.V. Raman, S. Chandrasekhar, and other notable contemporaries, he later founded the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (MATSCIENCE) in Madras, India. In the spirit of Alladi Ramakrishnans profound interest and contributions to three fields of science Mathematics, Statistics, and Physics this volume contains invited surveys and research articles from prominent members of these communities who also knew Ramakrishnan personally and greatly respected his influence in these areas of science. Historical photos, telegrams, and biographical narratives of Alladi Ramakrishnans illustrious career of special interest are included as well.