Summary: | This volume covers papers presented at NATO ARW 983188 Coupled Site and Soil-Structure Interaction Effects with Application to Seismic Risk Mitigation , held in Borovets, Bulgaria, from 30th of August to 3rd of September 2008. The main objective of the workshop was to present a state of the art on site-soil-structure-interaction effects, as manifested in the broader area of South and South-Eastern Europe, which is unquestionably the most seismically-prone region of the European continent. A second objective was to attempt a definition of the seismic risk posed to the built environment in this area and to present modern methods for seismic risk mitigation. Papers included in this volume are grouped into four chapters: (1) Site conditions and their role in seismic hazard analyses; (2) Soil-structure-interaction; (3) The role of site effects and of soil-structure-interaction in design of structures; and (4) General and related subjects. The following subject fields are addressed: seismological aspects (near-field effects, seismic wave propagation, free-field motions); geotechnical engineering (slopes, foundations, lifelines, dams, retaining walls); structural engineering (buildings, bridges, field measurements, protective systems).