Summary: | Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting Networks addresses the issue of frequency and network planning for digital terrestrial broadcasting systems with a focus on Digital Audio Broadcast and Digital Video Broadcast. The author presents relevant terrestrial broadcasting systems as well as the general international framework of spectrum management. The material also introduces basic concepts and mathematical methods needed for the planning process. The mathematics contained within the book are based on elaborate algorithms, but the material takes a descriptive approach rather than developing the required mathematics in detail. The material also covers the results of the Regional Radiocommunication Conference 2006 held in Geneva by the ITU. It emphasizes the regulatory measures which are most relevant for broadcasters and administrations in the daily planning activities. The author concludes with a chapter about the future of digital terrestrial broadcasting in view of the emerging new technologies that may induce a significant change to the broadcasting environment. Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting Networks is an important resource for researchers, practitioners, and academics in the field of frequency and network planning.