The Court of Justice and the Construction of Europe: Analyses and Perspectives on Sixty Years of Case-law - La Cour de Justice et la Construction de l'Europe: Analyses et Perspectives de Soixante Ans de Jurisprudence
This book is a contributed volume published by the Court of Justice of the European Union on the occasion of its 60th anniversary. It provides an insight to the 60 years of case-law of the Court of Justice and its role in the progress of European Integration. The book includes contributions from emi...
Corporate Authors: | , |
Format: | Electronic |
Language: | English |
Published: |
The Hague, The Netherlands :
T. M. C. Asser Press : Imprint: T.M.C. Asser Press,
Subjects: | |
Online Access: | |
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- The History of the Court of Justice of the European Union since its Origin
- LØvolution de larchitecture juridictionnelle de lUnion europØenne
- The Court of Justice in the 21st Century: Challenges ahead for the Judicial System? The National Judge as Judge of the European Union
- The Cooperation between European Courts. The Verbund of European Courts and Its Legal Toolbox
- Le rôle du comitØ 255 dans la sØlection du juge de lUnion
- Les institutions politiques de lUnion et la Cour de justice: La Cour de justice et le Parlement europØen
- Les institutions politiques de lUnion et la Cour de justice: le point de vue du Conseil
- Les institutions politiques de lUnion et la Cour de justice: La Commission devant la Cour de justice: lexemple de la procØdure prØjudicielle
- The European Convention on Human Rights and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: a process of mutual enrichment
- The EFTA Court and Court of Justice of the European Union Coming in parts but winning together
- Rôle des droits fondamentaux dans la constitutionnalisation de lordre juridique de lUE
- When Sovereignty Means So Much: the Concept(s) of Sovereignty, European Union Membership and the Interpretation of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland
- Balancing EU integration and National Interests in the case-law of the Court of Justice
- Le principe de leffet utile du droit de lUnion dans la jurisprudence de la Cour
- Reasonableness in the European Court of Justice case law
- Principes dattribution, de subsidiaritØ et didentitØ nationale des ẗats membres
- To Decide or Not to Decide: On the Political Theology of Simmenthal, Lyckeskog et al
- Bifurcated Justice: The Dual Character of Judicial Protection in EU Law
- The Right to Effective Judicial Protection and Remedies in the EU
- The Future of the Court of Justice In EU Competition Law New Role and Responsibilities
- The Dynamics of European Citizenship: From Bourgeois to Citoyen
- The Prohibition of Discrimination in the Unions Layered System of Equality Law: from early staff cases to the Mangold approach
- Nationality and Third Country Nationals
- Revisiting the Free Movement of Goods in a Comparative Perspective
- Citizenship of the Union and the area of justice: (almost) the Courts moment of glory
- The European Arrest Warrant: The Dilemmas of Mutual Recognition, Human Rights and EU Citizenship
- La jurisprudence de la CJ relative au principe ne bis in idem: une contribution essentielle à la reconnaissance mutuelle en matiŁre pØnale
- La diversitØ de la culture juridique europØenne et la prise de dØcision au sein de la Cour de justice de lUnion europØenne
- Direct Taxation and the Free Movement of Persons
- It shall contribute to the strict observance and development of international law The Role of the Court of Justice
- Exclusive external competences: Constructing the EU as an international actor
- Leffet direct des accords internationaux
- The Court of Justice and Mixed Agreements
- The Court of Justice and the Common Foreign and Security Policy
- The Court of Justice and Bilateral Agreements
- Une vue Outre-Atlantique de la Cour et de sa jurisprudence.