Summary: | This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, GPC 2013, held in Seoul, Korea, in May 2013 and the following colocated workshops: International Workshop on Ubiquitous and Multimedia Application Systems, UMAS 2013; International Workshop DATICS-GPC 2013: Design, Analysis and Tools for Integrated Circuits and Systems; and International Workshop on Future Science Technologies and Applications, FSTA 2013. The�111 revised papers were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. They have been organized in the following topical sections: cloud, cluster and grid; middleware resource management; mobile peer-to-peer and pervasive computing; multi-core and high-performance computing; parallel and distributed systems; security and privacy; ubiquitous communications, sensor networking, and RFID; ubiquitous and multimedia application systems; design, analysis and tools for integrated circuits and systems; future science technologies and applications; and green and human information technology.