Summary: | Biomedical Applications of Control Engineering is a lucidly written textbook for graduate control enginƯeering and biomedical engineering students as well as for medical pracƯtiƯtioners who want to get acquainted with quantitative methods. It is based on decades of experience both in control engineering and clinical practice. The book begins by reviewing basic concepts of system theory and the modeling process. It then goes on to discuss control engineering application areas like ʺ Different models for the human operator, ʺ Dosage and timing optimization in oral drug administration, ʺ Measuring symptoms of and optimal dopaminergic therapy in Parkinson<U+0019>s disease, ʺ MeasureƯment and control of blood glucose leƯvels both naturally and by means of external controllers in diabetes, and ʺ Control of depth of anaesthesia using inhalational anaesthetic agents like sevoflurane using both fuzzy and state feedback controllers. All chapters include three types of exercises constructed to: ʺ Review the concepts discussed in the chapter, ʺ Allow the reader to apply the newly acquired techniques and subject related facts on simple problems, and ʺ Indicate directions for open ended theses projects. Appendices on Optimal Control and Fuzzy Control meant as refreshers on those conƯtrol engineering techniques used throughout the book are also included.