Summary: | For the first time, this unique book compiles the development of echinoderm research in Latin America. The book is comprised of 16 chapters: one introductory, 14 in depth country chapters and a final biogeographic analysis. It draws together the results of all investigations published in international and local journals, reports, theses and other gray literature. Each chapter is composed of 7 sections: an introduction describes the marine environments, and main oceanographic characteristics, followed by a history of research account divided into specific subjects areas. The next section addresses patterns of distribution and diversity. A distinct section explains fishery or aquaculture activities. Following these environmental and anthropogenic threats that affecting echinoderm are described as well as any conservation or management action. Finally, conclusions, needs and new lines of research are presented. The book includes two appendixes with species lists of all echinoderms with bathymetric data, habitat and distribution.