Summary: | Reliability Physics and Engineering provides critically important information that is needed for designing and building reliable cost-effective products. Key features include: ʺ Materials/Device Degradation ʺ Degradation Kinetics ʺ Time-To-Failure Modeling ʺ Statistical Tools ʺ Failure-Rate Modeling ʺ Accelerated Testing ʺ Ramp-To-Failure Testing ʺ Important Failure Mechanisms for Integrated Circuits ʺ Important Failure Mechanisms for Mechanical Components ʺ Conversion of Dynamic Stresses into Static Equivalents ʺ Small Design Changes Producing Major Reliability Improvements ʺ Screening Methods ʺ Heat Generation and Dissipation ʺ Sampling Plans and Confidence Intervals This textbook includes numerous example problems with solutions. Also, exercise problems along with the answers are included at the end of each chapter. Reliability Physics and Engineering can be a very useful resource for students, engineers, and materials scientists.