Summary: | This volume consists of twenty peer-reviewed papers from the special sessions on pseudodifferential operators and on generalized functions and asymptotics at the Eighth Congress of ISAAC held at the Peoples<U+0019> Friendship University of Russia in Moscow on August 22<U+0012>27, 2011. The category of papers on pseudo-differential operators contains such topics as elliptic operators assigned to diffeomorphisms of smooth manifolds, analysis on singular manifolds with edges, heat kernels and Green functions of sub-Laplacians on the Heisenberg group and Lie groups with more complexities than but closely related to the Heisenberg group, L^p-boundedness of pseudo-differential operators on the torus, and pseudo-differential operators related to time-frequency analysis. The second group of papers contains various classes of distributions and algebras of generalized functions with applications in linear and nonlinear differential equations, initial value problems and boundary value problems, stochastic and Malliavin-type differential equations. This second group of papers is related to the third collection of papers via the setting of Colombeau-type spaces and algebras in which microlocal analysis is developed by means of techniques in asymptotics. The volume contains the synergies of the three areas treated and is a useful complement to its predecessors published in the same series.