Summary: | Peter Ferentzy and Nigel E. Turner The History of Problem Gambling: Temperance, Substance Abuse, Medicine, and Metaphors � This book documents the history of ideas about problem gambling and its link to addictive disorders. Using a combination of literature review and conceptual and linguistic analysis, The History of Problem Gambling explores how conceptions of problem gambling have changed over time. �Authors Ferentzy and Turner examine the religious, economic, socio-cultural, and medical influences on the development of the concept�of problem gambling as a disease, along with the ways in which such ideas�were influenced by attitudes towards�substance abuse. The history of mental illness, notably as it pertains to themes such as loss of control over behavior, is also addressed. The book concludes with a discussion of problem gambling and addiction in general their current status�and future prospects with an eye on which ideas about problem gambling seem�most promising and which should perhaps be left behind. This book will be of interest to psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses, addiction counselors, researchers, historians, �public health professionals, and also persons who have experienced problems with gambling or substance use.