Summary: | By providing empirical data and multidisciplinary considerations, the book increases awareness of child sex offender suicide among the various entities which come into contact with this population of offenders.�This book attempts to bring�awareness of this potentially high risk population to�better inform the law enforcement, corrections, and mental health communities of the unique risk factors for suicide among CSOs and provide a more effective crisis response.�The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Behavioral Analysis Unit III- Crimes Against Children reviewed and analyzed 106 male Child Sex Offenders (CSO) who committed suicide during the course of a child sex crime investigation.� Of the 106 CSOs, 79% were child pornography traders/collectors, 43% were child molesters, 21% were travelers, and 18% were child pornography producers.� Analyses also revealed that nearly all were Caucasian and the majority were married, employed, and died via self-inflicted gunshot wound.� Of particular interest was that in 26% of the cases, the offender killed himself within 48 hours of his awareness of the investigation; and in nearly half of the known cases, the offender had past/current military service and a criminal history. �In addition, 68% left a suicide note, which is substantially higher than the general suicide population. Analysis of the notes revealed common aspects and themes including cognitive distortions, burdensomeness, shame, and self-blame. The most frequently cited reason for the suicide in the note was the child sex crime investigation. � �