Summary: | This statistics book is designed for use with the OpenStat statistics program,�an open-source software developed�by William Miller. This book and the�corresponding free program�covers a broad spectrum of statistical theory and�techniques. OpenStat�users are researchers and students in the social sciences,�education, psychology, nursing and medicine�who benet from the hands on approach to Statistics. During and upon completion�of courses in Statistics or measurement, students and future researchers need a low�cost computer program available to them, and OpenStat lls this void. The software�is used in Statistics courses around the world�with over 50,000 downloads per year. Also available is a users manual that�covers�applications of the OpenStat software, including measurement,�ANOVA, regression analyses, simulation, product-moment and partial correlations,�and logistic regression.�This book and the companion Users Manual are important learning tools that explain the�statistics behind the many analyses possible with the program and demonstrate�these analyses. �