Summary: | This collection covers a wide range of topics of infinite dimensional dynamical systems generated by parabolic and hyperbolic partial differential equations, solitary equations, lattice differential equations, delay differential equations, and stochastic differential equations. Infinite dimensional dynamical systems are generated by equations describing the evolution in time of systems whose status must be depicted in infinite dimensional phase spaces. Studying the long-term behaviors of such systems is important in our understanding of their spatiotemporal pattern formation and global continuation, and has been among the major sources of motivation and applications of new developments in nonlinear analysis and other mathematical theories. The theory of infinite dimensional dynamical systems has also increasingly important applications in the physical, chemical and life sciences. This book collects 19 papers from 48 invited lecturers to the International Conference on Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems held at York University, Toronto, in September of 2008. As the conference was dedicated to Professor George Sell from University of Minnesota on the occasion of his 70th birthday, this collection reflects his pioneering work and influence in core areas of dynamical systems, including non-autonomous dynamical systems, skew-product flows, invariant manifolds theory, infinite dimensional dynamical systems, approximation dynamics, and fluid flows.