Summary: | Capgemini<U+0019>s European Energy Markets Observatory (EEMO) is an annual report that tracks the progress in establishing an open and competitive electricity and gas market in EU-27 (+ Norway and Switzerland) as well as the progress on the EU Climate-Energy package objectives. Launched in 2002 with the primary objective to assess the progress of deregulation in the European Member States, the report now tackles all the major issues faced by the Utilities industry. Through 70+ indicators, the report scans all the segments of the value chain and analyses the hot topics of the moment, to identify the key trends in the electricity and gas industries. The report includes country focus, highlighting the local key issues, and topic focus on leading-edge themes. Capgemini<U+0019>s partners <U+0013> Sociť ̌Gňřale Global Research and Strategy for their expertise in financial analysis, VaasaETT for their in-depth knowledge of customers<U+0019> behaviours and CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre for their understanding of European energy policies and instances <U+0013> enrich the report on their respective area of expertise. The 9th edition of the European Energy Markets Observatory (EEMO) covers the full year 2006 and the winter 2006-2007. The key findings include: -The EU Climate Change 2020 objectives of 3x20% is an ambitious and good road map but very challenging to meet. -The supply and demand balance of oil will stay tight and prices trend should continue to be on the upward side. -Gas security of supply is threatened by the clashing Russian and European Union<U+0019>s strategies. -Electricity security of supply in Europe has improved on average but the planned constructions will deteriorate Europe<U+0019>s CO2 emissions situation. -The European Commission has suggested a third <U+001c>unbundling Directive as a response to the lack of results from previous Directives on market efficiency. -New market regulations triggers market consolidation but this is progressing slowly because of conflicting interests. -With changing market dynamics, Utilities are confronted with many changes and have to implement new management models.