Summary: | This book is a collection of contributions on various aspects of active frontier research in the field of dynamical systems and chaos. Each chapter examines a specific research topic and, in addition to reviewing recent results, also discusses future perspectives. The result is an invaluable snapshot of the state of the field by some of its most important researchers. The first contribution in this book, "How did you get into Chaos?", is actually a collection of personal accounts by a number of distinguished scientists on how they entered the field of chaos and dynamical systems, featuring comments and recollections by James Yorke, Harry Swinney, Floris Takens, Peter Grassberger, Edward Ott, Lou Pecora, Itamar Procaccia, Michael Berry, Giulio Casati, Valentin Afraimovich, Robert MacKay, and last but not least, Celso Grebogi, to whom this volume is dedicated.