David Nualart
David Nualart (born 21 March 1951) is a Spanish mathematician working in the field of probability theory, in particular on aspects of stochastic processes and stochastic analysis.He obtained his PhD titled "Contribución al estudio de la integral estocástica" in 1975 at the University of Barcelona under the supervision of Francesc d'Assís Sales Vallès. After positions at the University of Barcelona and the Polytechnique University of Barcelona he took up a professorship at the University of Kansas and was the Black-Babcock Distinguished Professor in its Mathematics Department from 2012 to 2022. He retired in 2022.
He was the Chief Editor of Electronic Communications in Probability from 2006 to 2008. Provided by Wikipedia
by Dalang, Robert., Khoshnevisan, Davar., Mueller, Carl., Nualart, David., Xiao, Yimin.
Published 2009
Get full textPublished 2009