Newton Howard

Newton Howard is a brain and cognitive scientist, the former founder and director of the MIT Mind Machine Project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is a former professor of computational neurology and functional neurosurgery at Georgetown University. He is a member of the Congregation of Oxford and was a professor at the University of Oxford, where he directed the Oxford Computational Neuroscience Laboratory. He is also the founder and former director of MIT's Synthetic Intelligence Lab, the founder and the Vic Chairman of the Center for Advanced Defense Studies and the chairman of the Brain Sciences Foundation. Professor Howard is also a senior fellow at the John Radcliffe Hospital at Oxford, a senior scientist at INSERM in Paris and a P.A.H. at the CHU Hospital in Martinique.

His research areas include Quantum Biology , Cognition Memory, Trauma, Machine Learning, Comprehensive Brain Modeling, Natural Language Processing, Nanotech, Medical Devices and Artificial Intelligence. Provided by Wikipedia
Published 2009
Other Authors: '; ...Howard, Newton....
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